Who is Your Favorite Robin? #SummerWriting on #ChristmasBook


The heroine in my story-in-progress, ROBYN: A CHRISTMAS BRIDE is a red-haired Welsh tomboy wagon driver named, Robyn Llewellyn. In 1877, she lives in Denver, Colorado with her three big brothers (who’ve raised her) but this Christmas she’ll be traveling to Noelle, Colorado to win the heart of her soulmate. So…

I need a picture of a Robin for the cover of her book. But which Robin to choose? Lots of Robins to pick from and here are just a few…

The European Robin


European Robin: found in British Isles, Europe, east to Western Siberia & south to North Africa

The American Robin


American Robin: found in Alaska & Canada southward to northern Florida & Mexico

The Australasian Robin


Australasian Robin: found in Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea & numerous Pacific Islands as far east as Samoa

The Australian Red-Capped Robin


Australian Red-Capped Robin: found in Australia & the Rottnest, Greenly & Pearson Islands

The Japanese Robin

Robin-Japanese-FromWikipedia copy

Japanese Robin: found: in Japan, the Kuril Islands & Sakhalin in Russia, South-east China, & the Ryūkyū Islands of Japan.

The Ryukyu Robin


Ryukyu Robin: found in the Ryūkyū Islands of Japan

So many beautiful Robins! But since my Robyn is of Welsh ancestry (and since male and female European Robins are apparently similar in coloration and I’d like to use bright colors), I’m thinking Robyn’s book cover should have the European Robin as its centerpiece.

What do you think?

UPDATE: Robyn: A Christmas Bride is now on Amazon US | UK | CA | AUS 

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