North of the Border with Guest Sharon Ashwood #GetLostInAStory


Who’s next on my North of the Border guest blog series? Today we have Sharon Ashwood, author of Frostbound: the Dark Forgotten!

Where does Sharon get her inspiration? How is Canada part of that inspiration? Read on and see…

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Am I paranoid, or is that snowdrift staring at me?

When I took literature in university, the prevailing theory of my CanLit course was that nature was trying to kill us. At least, Canadian weather was—with a little help from our hungry four-footed neighbors.


Personally, I thought the early morning lecture time was far more likely to do me in, but that’s another story. For more on the death-by-cold-and-chipmunk issue, see Margaret Atwood’s Survival: a Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature. Yes, the same ever-cheery Atwood of The Handmaid’s Tale fame. Apparently when the patriarchy is done with us, Mother Earth gets a shot.

Read the rest Sharon’s guest blog at

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